Tuesday, November 22, 2011

hustlas gotta hustle (or) you never have a reason not to be creative.

Hello. My name is Dani, how do you do? (curtsy)
I’ve been asked to write about how I live creatively in New York. New York is a beast of it’s own kind, so first I want to talk about “living creatively.” Please don’t get to thinking I’m any sort of expert on the subject (or any subject, except headbands and playing a fool). 
Some of you may be wondering (probably not), what qualifies me to write for this blog. Welp, I'm creative, and I live in New York. I arrived in New York by way of Philadelphia (1 year residence), Santa Clara (4 year residence), and Fresno, the elbow-pit of California (strenuous 17 year residence). I act, I write, I play music, I draw and paint. I now work at a children’s theatre in Brooklyn and do various other things (prostitution*) to make a living. There, that’s out of the way.
Some of the things that may come up in my posts are:
1. My belief that creativity is a lifestyle.
2. Stuff like this: “You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.” — Jack London
3. Perhaps a creative challenge or two for ya’ll.
4. Projects I’m working on (as an example, not self-promotion). 
5. Various things that inspire me here in NYC, because above all, it’s a very inspirational city where an absurd amount of creativity lives all around me. Transitive property says: you will be inspired, too. 
The most important things I’ve observed so far is that everybody who wants to do something creative can do it, and usually they can be good at it. New York is full of people who want to create, to make art, to make theatre, to facilitate change (what up, Occupy Wall Street?!), and almost all of them succeed in some small way, if not greatly. You just have to do it. For me, that means watching less Arrested Development on Netflix, and doing more stimulating, intelligent things with my time. Here’s a challenge: this week, pick one thing that wastes your time, and replace a small piece of it with something creative. Instead of checking Facebook AGAIN, write a one line poem. Instead of spending 45 minutes looking at celebrity fashion blogs, draw a cartoon. Creativity is a lifestyle. 
As a parting note, watch this video.
First, let’s thank my mom for capturing that on film. Second, whenever you feel intimidated by the prospect of creating something from nothing, remember that inside, we’re all still just that weird-as-shit three year old, and you can do what ever you want. NEVER STOP DANCING**. 

*I’m kidding, I babysit for rich people.
**Sorry, this post got a little loopy towards the end. 

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